
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

JPF summary generation test1

Simple Example

public int sub(int a, int b)
    return a - b;
public int testRefactored (int refs, int flags) {
    if (flags != 0) 
    	return flags * sub(flags, flags*3);
    else if (refs != 0)
    	return refs;
    return 10;       
(or ( and  (distinct  flags_2_SYMINT 0)  (=  RETURN ( * (flags_2_SYMINT- (flags_2_SYMINT * 3)) flags_2_SYMINT)) )
 ( and  (distinct  refs_1_SYMINT 0)  (=  flags_2_SYMINT 0)   (=  RETURN refs_1_SYMINT) )
 ( and  (=  refs_1_SYMINT 0)  (=  flags_2_SYMINT 0)   (=  RETURN 10) )
JPF is smart enough to understand sub() method to give the correct constraints
RETURN ( * (flags_2_SYMINT- (flags_2_SYMINT * 3)

public int sub(int a, int b)
    return a - b;
public int testRefactored (int refs, int flags) {
    if (flags != 0) 
    	return flags;
    else if (refs != 0)
    	return refs;
    return 10;       
(or ( and  (distinct  flags_2_SYMINT 0)  (=  RETURN flags_2_SYMINT) )
 ( and  (distinct  refs_1_SYMINT 0)  (=  flags_2_SYMINT 0)   (=  RETURN refs_1_SYMINT) )
 ( and  (=  refs_1_SYMINT 0)  (=  flags_2_SYMINT 0)   (=  RETURN 10) )

More complex

With this example:
public int sub(int a, int b)
	if (a > b)
		return (a - b);
	    return (10*a + b);
public int test (int refs, int flags) {		
	if (flags != 0) 
		return flags * sub(flags, flags*3); << This line causes an issue
	else if (refs != 0)
	   	return refs;
	return 10;       
JPF works fine to generate the correct summary:
testCase=test(-100,-100);pc=( >  flags_2_SYMINT[-100] ( *  flags_2_SYMINT[-100] CONST_3)) && ( !=  flags_2_SYMINT[-100] CONST_0);effects=RETURN==( *  (flags_2_SYMINT[-100] - (flags_2_SYMINT[-100] * CONST_3)) flags_2_SYMINT[-100]);solverCalls=2;statementsExecuted=[];positionsExecuted=[];constraints=none
testCase=test(1,1);pc=( <=  flags_2_SYMINT[1] ( *  flags_2_SYMINT[1] CONST_3)) && ( !=  flags_2_SYMINT[1] CONST_0);effects=RETURN==( *  ((flags_2_SYMINT[1] * CONST_3) + (flags_2_SYMINT[1] * CONST_10)) flags_2_SYMINT[1]);solverCalls=2;statementsExecuted=[];positionsExecuted=[];constraints=none
testCase=test(-100,-100);pc=( !=  refs_1_SYMINT[-100] CONST_0) && ( ==  flags_2_SYMINT[0] CONST_0);effects=RETURN==refs_1_SYMINT[-100];solverCalls=2;statementsExecuted=[];positionsExecuted=[];constraints=none
testCase=test(0,0);pc=( ==  refs_1_SYMINT[0] CONST_0) && ( ==  flags_2_SYMINT[0] CONST_0);effects=RETURN==10;solverCalls=2;statementsExecuted=[];positionsExecuted=[];constraints=none
Only to get something's wrong with the listener:
(or  ( and  (>  flags_2_SYMINT ( * flags_2_SYMINT 3))  (distinct  flags_2_SYMINT 0)   (=  RETURN ( * (flags_2_SYMINT- (flags_2_SYMINT * 3)) flags_2_SYMINT)) )
 ( and  (<=  flags_2_SYMINT ( * flags_2_SYMINT 3))  (distinct  flags_2_SYMINT 0)   (=  RETURN ( * ((flags_2_SYMINT * 3)+ (flags_2_SYMINT * 10)) flags_2_SYMINT)) )
 ( and  (distinct  refs_1_SYMINT 0)  (=  flags_2_SYMINT 0)   (=  RETURN refs_1_SYMINT) )
 ( and  (=  refs_1_SYMINT 0)  (=  flags_2_SYMINT 0)   (=  RETURN 10) )
 ( and  (<=  flags_2_SYMINT ( * flags_2_SYMINT 3))  (distinct  flags_2_SYMINT 0)   (=  RETURN ( * ((flags_2_SYMINT * 3)+ (flags_2_SYMINT * 10)) flags_...
(error "Invalid beginning of an identifer: expected either 'as' or '_' here")
Executing the script...
 ( and  (<=  flags_2_SYMINT ( * flags_2_SYMINT 3))  (distinct  flags_2_SYMINT 0)   (=  RETURN ( * ((flags_2_SYMINT * 3)+ (flags_2_SYMINT * 10)) flags_...
(error "Invalid beginning of an identifer: expected either 'as' or '_' here")
sub(flags, flags*3)
I think the generated code should have been (* flags_2_SYMINT 3).

Research questions

  • How does the listener work to transform summary into S-expression code
  • How do I modify the listener to resolve this issue?

Tracing into LTK refactoring library

I needed to trace into eclipse refactoring library, and I could do that by installing eclipse source code. Screen Shot 2012 10 31 at 4 23 29 PM

Lars Vogel's Eclipse Source Code
gives very simple and effective way of installing eclipse source.

How to get file path information from ICompilationUnit?

When you have ICompilationUnit, you can get the java file path for the unit using this code.
IResource resource = iCompilationUnit.getUnderlyingResource();
if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
    IFile ifile = (IFile) resource;
    String path = ifile.getRawLocation().toString();


Writing file from CompilationUnit (ASTNode)

When you have an object of iCompilationUnit, you can save it to the file.
  1. You need to create Document object from ICompilationUnit
  2. You need a ASTRewrite object from CompilationUnit
  3. Filling in the Document object using apply() method
  4. Storing the source code string from document.get() method
Document document = new Document(iCompilationUnit.getSource());
ASTRewrite rewriter = ASTRewrite.create(compilationUnit); // ? check if the parameter object type is correct

String source = document.get();

File file = new File(DEST_FILE_PATH);
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, source) 


You need to save apache file utilities to use the FileUtils.


How you can get CompilationUnit (AST) from Workspace in eclipse?

The starting point is to get WorkSpace, and you can do that with ResourcePlugin#getWorkSpace() method. Eclipse workspaceClick to enlarge
You'll get a New Project with the right click in eclipse.
Screen Shot 2012 10 31 at 9 54 36 AM
You can get the project information using this code.
IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
IWorkspaceRoot root = workspace.getRoot();
// Get all projects in the workspace
IProject[] projects = root.getProjects();
When you know the name of the project, you can find it.
IProject project = root.getProject("Hello");
Out of many project, you need only Java project.
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
Screen Shot 2012 10 31 at 9 54 59 AM

package fragments, compilation unit

Remember the package explorer in eclipse, you also have the project explorer. Inside a Java project, you'll find a lot of elements, which are called package fragments. From the package fragments, you normally want to use source code. getKind() method returns the property of the package fragment.
IPackageFragment[] packages = javaProject.getPackageFragments();
for (IPackageFragment mypackage : packages) {
    if (mypackage.getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) {
Screen Shot 2012 10 31 at 10 56 30 AM Screen Shot 2012 10 31 at 10 54 30 AM
You can get the ICompilationUnit from package element.
IPackageFragment[] packages = JavaCore.create(project).getPackageFragments();
for (IPackageFragment mypackage : packages) {
	if (mypackage.getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) {
		for (ICompilationUnit unit : mypackage.getCompilationUnits()) {
When you know the name of the type, you can get ICompilationUnit from it.
IType iType = javaProject.findType("PACKAGE_NAME.CLASS_NAME");
org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit iCompilationUnit = iType.getCompilationUnit();

parser and CompilationUnit

CompilationUnit is ASTNode that has the tree inside.
final ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3); 
parser.setResolveBindings(true); // we need bindings later on
CompilationUnit unit = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);


  • As you instantiate a specific object (JavaProject for example) from other object(Project for example), you can access the elements in the specific object.


Eclipse ICompilationUnit

Compared to concrete class CompilationUnit, ICompilation is an interface as the "I" prepended. Screen Shot 2012 10 31 at 9 36 38 AM
It's for Type representation where as CompilationUnit is for AST representation, and parser object links between the two using Parser#setSource(ICompilationUnit); and parser.createAST(null).

In order to get the ICompilationUnit from java source code, you need to start from Workspace, IProject, IJavaProject and then find IType(The by using findType(TYPE_NAME).


Eclipse CompilationUnit

Screen Shot 2012 10 31 at 9 02 43 AM
Eclipse uses compilation unit to represent a class. It's reasonable considering one java source generates one class file with the same name (if we forget about the inner class).

One can think of compilation unit in eclipse as a ASTNode for java code as it subclassing ASTNode. Screen Shot 2012 10 31 at 9 13 20 AM

Getting Compilation is a little bit complicated.
  • One needs to create a parser as parser has a reference to it. Call parser.createAST() to get CompilationUnit. Don't forget to down casting it to CompilationUnit.
  • One needs to setup a parser with the source of ICompilationUnit
And this is the code.
// … lwType is IType object
org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit lwCompilationUnit = lwType.getCompilationUnit();
// create parser and set it up
final ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3); 
parser.setResolveBindings(true); // we need bindings later on
// can get CompilationUnit from parser
CompilationUnit unit = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null /* IProgressMonitor */);


Duck Typing

Duck Typing enables Polymorphism without Inheritance.


In construction …


In construction …